
Bulgarian traditional culture as information resource on magic in Ancient Southeastern Europe.

Dear Colleagues,

Institute for Research on Cultural and Historical Heritage (IRCHH) in Library Studies, Education and Cultural Heritage of the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT) are pleased to invite you to participate in a seminar on Bulgarian traditional culture as information resource on magic in Ancient Southeastern Europe. The seminar will consist of a presentation of the Doctoral dissertation with the same name of Georgi  Mishev before specialists before its discussion by the IRCHH’s Scientific Council.

The seminar will be held on 28th February 2014, 14 pm at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT), Hall 207.

For more information, please, do contact the technical assistant Ms. Liviya Ninova in IRCHH, mobile: 0893744109, e-mail: